About Isolaz Laser
What is it?
The Isolaz laser is an effective treatment option for acne. By utilizing a broadband laser and vacuum technology safe enough to target blemishes and breakouts, Isolaz specifically targets and destroys the bacteria that causes pimples and other forms of acne. It’s the only FDA-approved system designed to clear stubborn types of blemishes, including pustular acne, comedonal acne, and acne vulgaris.
What to expect
For certain types of acne (such as blackheads and pimples), over-the-counter or prescription topical medications can be effective forms of treatment. However, for major breakouts or stubborn acne, stronger methods may be necessary. The Isolaz laser destroys bacteria and, although results can vary, usually shows a 75% decrease in blemishes and redness within 2 months after the procedure. Other benefits of this laser include noticeable and quick results (often within 24 hours), clearer pores, and purified replenished skin. Overall, the Isolaz laser is safe and effective for all skin types.
After the procedure
Treatment is customized to suit your individual needs with few side effects; in fact, you may experience only slight discomfort during a session and possible redness and/or swelling in the ensuing 24-48 hours. In many cases, you may need only 4-5 treatments to clear up your acne enough to meet your aesthetic goals and restore clear, healthy-looking skin.
Our approach & expertise